Rosa -Jane

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


2014 is a new start and i'm determined to improve my attitude towards life but their are a few other smaller challenges i would like to achieve by 2015 -

  • Become a better student - Recently I haven't been trying my best at school and i would like to be able achieve my goals and higher.
  • Learn to solve the rubix cube - this may seem quite random but its a talent I've always wanted to accomplish.
  • Successfully finish DofE - Last year i started work towards the Duke of Edinburgh award and would love to say i did that by 2015
  • Complete BP award - As part of guides you have a chance to complete a Baden Powell award, i was meant to finish this last year however failed and i'am determined to finish this year.
  • Take every opportunity given - This may not always be possible but i feel like taking every opportunity i can will make life that more interesting.
  • Be thankful and loving - Over the years i haven't shown the ones i love how much they mean to me therefore i have lost people i wish i hadn't, during 2014 i'm determined to show everyone around me my love and improve my relationships with people. 

Your goals may be bigger or smaller than mine but that doesn't stop you achieving them. I hope 2014 brings you happy days and fond memories.

Make the most of life, Rosa Jane x